Setting the Agenda – Women In The Digital Era

Helena Dalli is the first EU Commissioner for Equality since December 2019. Her role is to deliver on the Union of Equality chapter within the Political Guidelines of President von der Leyen, by strengthening Europe’s commitment to equality and inclusion in all of its senses.
Prior to taking her role as Commissioner, Dalli held various political roles in Malta including Member of Parliament (1996 to 2019), Minister for European Affairs and Equality (2017 to 2019), and Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and Civil Liberties (2013-2017). She was also opposition Shadow Minister for public administration, equality, public broadcasting and national investments (1998-2013) and Junior Minister for Women's Rights in the Office of Prime Minister (1996-1998). Dalli holds a PhD in Political Sociology from the University of Nottingham, and lectured in Economic and Political Sociology, Public Policy, and Sociology of Law at the University of Malta.

Chantal Friebertshäuser ist seit März 2019 Senior Vice President und Managing Director von MSD Deutschland, einer Tochtergesellschaft von Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, NJ, USA. In Deutschland beschäftigt MSD mehr als 2.500 Mitarbeiter und erreichte 2019 einen Umsatz von 2,1 Milliarden Euro. Chantal Friebertshäuser bringt eine Vielfalt an Erfahrung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie mit wachsender Verantwortung in verschiedenen Therapiebereichen und Ländern mit: So war sie nach einer Station als Geschäftsführerin von MSD Österreich zuletzt weltweit für die Vermarktung der HPV-Impfstoffe verantwortlich.
Chantal Friebertshäuser ist französische Staatsbürgerin und hat ein Diplom der Business School of ESC Rennes (Frankreich) sowie einen Master of Arts in International Business der Open University (UK). Sie ist verheiratet und Mutter von zwei Töchtern.
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Since January 2020, Angie Gifford has been serving as Facebook’s Vice President for Central Europe. In this role, she is responsible for the business development of Facebook's platforms including Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger in 34 countries, including Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Benelux region as well as Eastern Europe, among others Russia. Prior to joining Facebook, Angie was managing director at Hewlett-Packard (HP) until the end of 2018, overseeing the software and digitization business in the German-speaking region. Previously, she worked for Microsoft for over 20 years, serving in different senior management positions in Germany and abroad, among others as board member of Microsoft Germany. In 2009, an independent organization honored Angie as “businesswoman of the year”. The leading German business publication “manager magazin” voted her one of the 100 most influential businesswomen in Germany. Angie also serves as a member of the board of the German-American non-profit association “Atlantik-Brücke” and is part of the corporate supervisory boards of Thyssenkrupp and TUI in Germany.

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka is United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women. She was sworn into office on 19 August 2013 and brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this position, having devoted her career to issues of human rights, equality and social justice. Ms. Mlambo-Ngcuka has worked in government and civil society, and with the private sector, and was actively involved in the struggle to end apartheid in her home country of South Africa.
From 2005 to 2008, she served as Deputy President of South Africa, overseeing programmes to combat poverty and bring the advantages of a growing economy to the poor, with a particular focus on women. Prior to this, she served as Minister of Minerals and Energy from 1999 to 2005 and Deputy Minister in the Department of Trade and Industry from 1996 to 1999. She was a Member of Parliament from 1994 to 1996 as part of South Africa’s first democratic government.
Ms. Mlambo-Ngcuka began her career as a teacher and gained international experience as a coordinator at the World YWCA in Geneva, where she established a global programme for young women. She is the founder of the Umlambo Foundation, which supports leadership and education. A longtime champion of women’s rights, she is affiliated with several organizations devoted to education, women’s empowerment and gender equality.
She has completed her PhD on education and technology at the University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
© Photo: UN Women/Kea Taylor