Has Europe Already Fallen Behind In The Unicorn World?

Philippe de Chanville began his career in London in the M&A Restructuring team at BDO Stoy Haywards and then became a private equity investor at Caledonia Investissement. Philippe joined Otium Capital as a Venture Capital investor where he met Christian, his future partner with whom he created ManoMano in 2013. Father of 5 children, the French-American has completely renovated his apartment in order to adapt to his growing family.

Dr. Tanja Emmerling is a partner at High-Tech Gründerfonds and leads the Berlin office. She has been active as an investment manager in the Digital Tech area of the fund since 2014 and is very interested in topics such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Mobility & Logistics, IT-Security, Blockchain and SaaS. She is also active as a start-up mentor and is committed to strengthen the role of female investors in these areas. Before joining HTGF, she worked for more than six years in a media company and was responsible as Head of New Ventures for incubations in B2B.

Oscar Höglund is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer at Epidemic Sound, the market leading platform for restriction-free music that’s on a mission to soundtrack the world.